Thursday, July 10, 2008

Bedazzled Biker Babe.

What a title right? Yeah.... we will get to that later. Well to begin todays post ill start it off with a beauty portion, I dont do much beautification on a regular basis, I just tend to stick to the basics... maybe alittle something here and there but not to much unless its an event or something. So I made my little beauty board.



Although most of you are used to seeing curly hair, this is straight... and its a bit longer now.
But you get the Idea.

Tinted Moisturizer-
Clinique makes great ones I use City Block tinted moisturizer... Ive heard great things about Smashbox aswell.

Im not a big fan on liquid foundation because having oily skin such as myself it just can clog my pores and really be bad news for my skin, so I am a huge fan of Powder foundations...mainly Shiseido Sun Protection Compact Foundation in 34 SPF (beacause im totally anal about aging, and the effects of sun on my face) - Its really light and covers alot, but if you have a blemish or something you can usually just dot it on there and the apply the power foundation.

Bronzer and Highlighting-
I am a big fan of bronzer and blush but for me its blush in the winter and bronzer in the summer, but maybe a mix of both here and there but right now its bronzer. The best bronzer under the sun is NARS, seriously... im not even kidding, its the best. Trust me.
Now for highlighting I recommend two... Benefit makes a good liquid highlighter but again... liquid and that just creates oilier skin...
So 1. I recommend Sephora Brand Luminizing Trio (comes in two colors so pick and choose)
and 2. Mac Mineralize Skinfinish in Gold Mine... my favorite... but I think its limited so if you want it im pretty sure Ebay's your best bet. But I just dust it all over my cheekbones to emphasize it a tad. Great stuff everyone should own a highlighting product.

I have really long eyelashes to begin with so I don't like anything really chunky or heavy cause it just ends up getting into my eyes anyways. Im a huge fan of Maybelline Great Lash in Blackest Black its simple and gets the job done.
Does anyone use DIOR SHOW mascara, im tempted to try it but just curious how it goes on.

Im really picky about my gloss, as long as I have a nude tone or a pink tone in my purse everyday im set. These are my perfect lip gloss colors:
Perfect Pink- Clinique Glosswears in Kitten Pink
Perfect Nude- Rimmel in Eastend Snob
Perfect Nude/Pink combination- NARS in Turkish Delight.
Perfect Red- MAC Lipglass in Russian Red (same as the lipstick)

Usually the last thing I put on before im running out of the door...late. Everyone has there out signature fragrances but these are some that have been with me through the years.
Day - Dolce and Gabanna Light Blue (I first got this perfume about 5 years ago, and have been wearing it ever since- although kinda trendy... well more so than it was. Its an amazing smell very distinguishable.
Night- Dior's Miss Dior Cherie. The most elegant smell to me. Its utterly classic, although Chanel is probably the most popular classic fragrance, this is my Chanel.... and I am a Dior Whore anyways.

Nail Polish- Own one in everycolor (roygbv) red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet. and Black white gold and silver - and then your good. That would cover everything :) - I am a huge nail polish buff. And nail polish brands dont really matter so $1(wet and wild) - $17(chanel)... its your call.


Next order of business, My Ninewest Heathers came in this morning at work and they are so beautiful on! Yet since I am a scatter brain, I left my camera home sitting on the charger... and the curling iron on in my sink...STILL... im a tad bit nervous. ha ha.
Another lovely package came in the mail for me. . . The hunt is over, I now own the perfect fingerless gloves, and they really pull everything together, heres the outfit I paired them with, and the reason for the fabulous title:

The last one turned out really interesting with the lighting, but its pretty cool.

Dress- Karta, Tights- Forever2, Shoes- Joey, Hat- Charolette Russe, Gloves- Ebay.

Rate my Outfits on Chictopia♥



Thank you for your tips! Love your sweet dress! xx

Stephanie said...

Cool gloves, very Madonna!

Adiel | Rose Gold Lining said...

Girl, you look outstanding! I don't know if I could do the gloves right now, but if you keep wearing outfits like this, I might hunt you down and steal those right off your stylish hands! ;)

Blonde hair, Blue jeans said...

so cool and stunninG!

Shes Dressing Up said...

The dress is gorgeous, great details!

Lexie said...

i LOVE d&g light blue ... i always get compliments from guys when i wear it.

you look great in you pictures!

Anonymous said...

cute dress!


KATLIN said...

That is such a cute dress! I love those details by the neckline. I've never heard of the brand Karta before, where did you get it from?
Dermalogica has a great tinted moisturizer too. It blends very well with skin colors and has spf15 and a little sparkle. I used to use MAC foundation, but switched to Dermalogica because the MAC one would irritate my skin.

Alyssa said...

glad you like the blog! :D
I love yours :D you give such great fashion advice! Plus I love your outfits :D
my fav. foundation(since I also have oily skin) is bare minerals. it feels great on my skin and doesn't clog pores!

MyFashionAddictions said...

i love your style, first time seeing this blog and will definitely add this to my links.

you're actually the first blogger i have seen rocking the fingerless gloves. Very cool!=) i loved em ever since i saw a post about fingerless gloves. too bad we don't need to wear gloves where i live.

Emily said...

thanks for dropping by. I love this outfit, great blog!

Nancy said...

Cute pattern on the dress! I bought the Nine West Heathers shoes also. What do you think of the fit? It feels awkward on my feet.

Sharon said...

Cute outfit, like your header too!

we wear things said...

oh i love your style!! i could never pull off that look, but you do it wonderfully!

and thanks for stopping by our blog! :)

Bang Bang Starz said...

thanks for visiting my blog dear!
the dress is fab & you look fab


teenvoguette said...

i love your dress! all your posts are outstanding.

Reena Rai said...

you're so pretty!! Love the gloves, they remind me of Karl Lagerfeld.

Miss White said...

The gloves are fantastic, love it!

Blonde hair, Blue jeans said...

i linked you on my blog roll! =)

Danz said...

Wow, you have gorgeous eyes!! I'm totally digging this outfit! Super hot! I love gloves even though I live in a tropical country haha! Impractical but I don't care!

Thanks so much for your comment hun! Take care and enjoy the rest of your day!

la petite fashionista said...

ah i wish i could wear tights & leggings right now.. its way too hot!

i reallyyyy like your hat! ive been looking for something similar


annabananna said...

great outfit! i really adore your new gloves, i want some like these badly!

Hannah Bee said...

What a totally rad outfit! You look great!

L.I.N said...

love that dress on you.

Molly :] said...

You have such flawless skin. Thanks for the tips! :)

Fashion Is Poison said...

you're gorg!